Is Loosing Weight All Good?

I’ve talked a lot on this blog about losing weight, the benefits of changing your diet and introducing fitness to your life. Each of which can bring about some pretty dramatic changes on their own, let alone when you stack them up together. Initially I planned to write this post as a testament to all of the wonderful things you can expect that go hand in hand with loosing weight. In the interest of fairness (and not writing a bummer of a post!) I’ll certainly cover those things as well, but is weight loss really ALL roses and lollipops? It turns out, there can be some downsides to what is otherwise an amazing experience, and one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Preface: by exposing the “downsides” I am in NO WAY suggesting that you shouldn’t still push forward with losing weight, getting in shape and taking control of your health through diet. The good side effects FAR outweigh any of the negatives that are pointed out below. But knowledge is power, so being aware of these possible issues will better prepare you for dealing with them if and when they arise. Got it? Good. Let’s plow on!

First, The Good

Everyone wants the good news first right? No? Well, to bad, that’s how I’m serving it up today. I guess you could read this out of order if you’re one of the “tell me the bad news first” types, so if so, go ahead and skip ahead, I’ll wait.

I’m not sure I need to go into too much detail backing up the good things I’m about to share. The general answer for most of the good points is that depending on how much weight you lose, your body will change. Your weight will drop, which is structurally good for your body. Your hormones will even out more, causing more even emotions. And your diet will likely vastly improve, causing your body to have access to the nutrients it needs to do it’s job correctly building a stronger / better version of you.

All of these have very positive effects on your well being and longevity and many of these have crossover effects which work off of one another in a kind of virtuous circle that can cause a plethora of additional / compounded side effects.

So what are some of them?

  • Better overall heart health
  • Lowered risk for type 2 diabetes
  • Possibility of reducing/stopping certain medications
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Better cholesterol levels
  • Better mobility
  • Less joint pain
  • Improved blood sugar levels
  • Decreased risk of stroke
  • Reduced back pain
  • Decreased chance of or reduced symptoms of sleep apnea
  • Better sleep quality
  • Improved energy
  • Improved sex life
  • Improved mood
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Increased self confidence
  • Increased self perception

Now For The Negatives

With so many really solid positive results, it’s hard to imagine any negatives, but unfortunately there are. Again, these may vary depending on how much you have to lose and the type of people you have surrounding you. I’ll spend a little more time on this part as I think it’s important to consider some solutions to the possible negatives.

  • Other People
    This is probably the biggest and most unfortunate negative in this list in my opinion. We’d like to think that everyone in our lives is a fan of us, that they want the very best for us as supportive, loving friends or even spouses/family members.

    Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work this way, and sometimes the people in your life can feel threatened by your success. I don’t think they want to see you unhappy, or fail your goals, but sometimes our successes can make other people feel like they’re falling short. Some people in your life may feel added pressure to follow in your footsteps, and resent you for it. Because of this sad fact, it’s important to make sure that your friends and family members know that this is YOUR journey, not theirs. Let them know that you love them exactly as they are and you don’t expect them to follow your lead. If they want your help, by all means, help them find their own success, but make sure they know that you certainly don’t expect them to do it.
  • Temperature Changes
    You may notice that you feel colder. Fat is an insulator, and if you’ve been carrying around a lot of it, not only have you had to physically work harder, but it’s been keeping you warm. By losing body fat, you’ve lost some insulation, so there’s a chance you might find you need to reach for a hoodie or sweater more often. This is one of those positive negatives. If you live someplace warm, then this might be a welcome change in your life!
  • Loose Sagging Skin
    If you lose weight quickly, then your skin’s elasticity might not have enough time to adjust to your new size and may result in sagging skin. If this is a concern for you, then you’ll want to make sure you lose weight at a safe rate (1 – 2 pounds per week) to minimize this. Additionally, building muscle mass through exercise can help combat this, as can firming creams, massage therapy and as a last resort, cosmetic procedures or surgical procedures.
  • Food May Taste Different
    While not everyone experiences this, an article in Time discusses the phenomenon. It seems random, but a good percentage of people who have undergone bariatric surgery (87% according to the article) reported food tasting sharper or duller (a 50/50% split).

    I have a feeling this is related to the types of foods that these people were eating in the first place that may have led to their weight gain. Junk foods are typically loaded with sugar and salt, both of which have strong addictive characteristics, and cutting these from your diet and replacing them with healthier foods that are lower in salt and sugar may be noticeable by taste. However, that’s just my theory, the official wrap up in the Time article is that more research is needed.
  • Regaining The Weight
    This negative is why I stress that diet needs to be a long term lifestyle change. If you go on a diet “just to lose the weight”, there’s a strong chance that afterward, you’ll return to your old eating habits and simply put the weight back on. This horrible mistake can be seen routinely in many people’s yo-yo dieting efforts. You can avoid this by adopting a healthier eating strategy that you plan to stick to for the rest of your life.
  • Weaker Bones
    The same phenomenon that causes bone density to increase through strenuous activity like resistance training occurs when someone is overweight. Your body needs strong bones to lift heavy weights and it can’t discern whether this weight is a heavy metal plate, or a heavy backside! The end result is by losing weight, and not replacing it with a strenuous activity like resistance training, your bones may become weaker than they were.

    The good news is there’s an easy fix – start resistance training! Not only will this help correct weaker bones, but it will add even more positive health benefits to your life!

So there you have it. A pretty unbiased look at some of the things you can expect from a successful weight loss program – both the good and the bad. What do you think, have you experienced anything – good or bad – that I’ve left off the list? I look forward to hearing from you!

Know someone who might like this article? Please share it with them, or via your social media network, it helps the blog out, and you never know who you might be responsible for motivating to live a healthier lifestyle!


What a 5% Weight Loss Can Do for Your Health (slideshow)

Tips for How to Tighten Loose Skin

3 thoughts on “Is Loosing Weight All Good?

  1. Thank you, this is a great post. I recognise what you say about those around you, both my friend and more so my mum, have times when they don’t wish to discuss my life changes on our catch ups. I think with both of them they feel they’re not doing well because I am. But then both want to change but neither are determined. I don’t discuss me now unless asked.
    As for bone density, I’m striving for 3 x 20ish minutes strength training per week, I worry if I should do more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It can be difficult for some people to see you succeed. I think it does elicit a certain type of “jealousy” (for lack of a better word) sometimes. If the other person isn’t in the same place as you with regard to commitment, it may make it difficult for them to talk about. Stay your course, but if you’re worried that it’s a problem for them, then I think you’re making the right choice to not discuss your success unless they ask about it. Continue to set an example, and maybe your success will inspire them to commit to a change as well! 🙂

      With regard to bone density, there are a few factors at play that might make the right answer different for each individual. From what I’ve read, I think 3x a week is fairly admirable as it will give your body time to recover from the work you’re demanding of it. Also, I don’t know that the length of time you’re spending is an issue. If your workouts are short, but there’s a good intensity to them, and you’re targeting the majority of your main muscle groups, then you may be just right!

      There’s a study on the NCBI website that discusses this in greater detail, and some specific information about bone density effects that you might find helpful under the section titled “What is resistance exercise?” Check it out and see how it may apply to your specific scenario:

      Hope that helps! Keep up the great work on your journey!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you, and thank you for the link! I’ll need to read it a few times, but from the initial read, it seems I’m doing the right thing for now, but may need to increase loads and probably find different programmes to follow to keep the benefits. But that’s a good thing anyway 😃

        Liked by 1 person

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